Sunday 20 April 2008

The Ladykiller


Good afternoon, have had a busy week reading, laptop connection has been bad and so has the desktop think we managed to fix it yesterday I get so annoyed with it and have little patience so I usually just leave it alone for a while. Sorry I diverse I am supposed to be writing a book review. ‘The Ladykiller’ by Martina Cole is not for the faint hearted in fact it was a bit too much for me a times but I do not like to give up on a book and the story itself was compelling enough for you to want to find out how it was going to end. I of course knew roughly how it was going to end as I had read ‘Broken’ which is the sequel to this book first and that more or less told you what was going to happen I hope this will teach me to try harder to read books in the proper sequence. The characters are great in this book I just about fancied Patrick Kelly myself reading this book he is very fanciable even for an oldie like me. It is a very graphic violent book but there is not as much bad language in it as there is in some of her other books. It is over 625 pages long so it is a big read but very compelling I got through it quickly because of internet problems or it would have taken me quite a bit longer to get to the end.

After the last three books I have read I must read something a bit more gentle so I am going to start Sam Bourne’s ‘ The Last Testament’ Stu says it is very good so I will give it a try. Martina Cole’s The Ladykiller gets a 7/10 worth reading. Till next time, Love




Anonymous said...

Like you Joan I enjoyed that book ,when I read  it some time ago now ,Makes you wonder what these authors brains are like for writing these books .....and ours for reading them lol Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I like Ladykiller although graphic bt Martina Cole is known for her research I think thats what makes her books compelling reading.

Take care


Anonymous said...

I'm reading (still if I've mentioned it before LOL) a Martina Cole book it's called Faceless :o)  I think she's a great author and gives good characterization but your right about the book being a long read.  Faceless is 625 pages I think, give or take one or two pages lol
